Saturday, September 13, 2003

Thanx for your presents
I didn't plan a party for my birthday on Wednesday, but Marc and Feli dropped by with a cake in the afternoon and later Georg, Kai and Thomas invited themselves for the soccer match and to have some beer. So it was a happy day in the end. I also got some presents, a running shirt, lots of energy gels and bars, running socks... People must think I am seriously running :), mustn't they?

Also thank you to Ling for a nice sweatshirt, to uncle Henning for a Yoyoma CD of Bach Suites which I am happen to play at the moment. Thanks to my parents and grandparents for the financial support and thanks to all the others for the mail, e-mail or phone calls you sent/gave me.

At last thanks to the slow Deutsche Post, that I can still happily wait for the packages from Mom & Dad as well as from Yoojung. So I'll still have some surprises to come, including Julia's present, which she wants to give me personally the next time we see.

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