Friday, July 29, 2005
His name is Jolle...
Sometimes Google returns the right things. So just in case that you might forget my domain, simply type in "his name is jolle"...
Sunday, July 24, 2005
My first triathlon...
...I've finished. The Olympic Distance triathlon in Ladenburg went very well. I was quite slow in the water and very strong on the bike and run, so I finished as 65th overall from 320 starters in a time of 2:37 h.
Following you can find a description of my triathlon from (in German).
Following you can find a description of my triathlon from (in German).
"Ich bin hellauf begeistert von meinem ersten Triathlon. Hab unser Sommerfest als einer der Ersten verlassen, damit ich so ca. 4 Uhr auch im Bett lag und noch etwas Schlaf bekam. Gegen 10 Uhr dann aufgestanden und nach Ladenburg geradelt. Unterlagen abgeholt und der erste kleine Schock, ich hatte meinen Chip vergessen. Die Orga war unkompliziert und freundlich, ich bekam kostenlos in wenigen Minuten einen Leihchip. Und man hat die Änderung auch gleich in den Zeitmessrechner eingespielt. Super!So the Ostseeman can come. I am fit and with some luck I can finish fourth time the distance, I hope.
Dann musste ich erst mal rausfinden, was jetzt in welchen Beutel und in welche Zone platziert werden musste, ist ja als Neuling ein wenig aufregend, vor allem, wenn man so an die Plätze links und rechts vom eigenen Rad schaut. Da siehts doch a weng professioneller aus. Aber Triathleten sind nette Leute und so hatten meine "Nachbarn" den ein oder anderen wertvollen Tipp für einen Rookie.
Mit dem Neo gings dann auf's Schiff, wo doch recht hohe Nervosität unter den Teilnehmer herschte. Es wurde jedenfalls viel geschnattert. Meine Strategie war, als einer der Letzten von Bord zu gehen und mich dann ganz am Ende der Startlinie zu plazieren. Das tat ich auch, die letzten Minuten vor dem Start empfand ich als sehr angenehm, sich ein wenig in der Sonne im Wasser treiben zu lassen.
Aber dann ging's auch schon los. Startschuss und Arme wedeln lassen. Es war wohl eine gute Entscheidung, ganz am Ende loszuschwimmen, um dem Anfangstrubel zu entgehen. Allerdings schwamm ich schon recht bald auf die letzten Schwimmer auf. Nach ein paar Tritten und Schlägen liess ich mich wieder zurückfallen, das in der Masse schwimmen muss ich noch üben. Hab dann jeden 2. Atemzug hochgeschaut, um mir große Lücken zu suchen, durch die ich meinen Weg bahnen konnte. Das Feld zog sich ja auch zunehmend auseinander, so dass ich bald meine Ruhe hatte. Nach 27:13 min stieg ich aus dem Wasser (172.Schwimmzeit). Ich war damit vollauf zufrieden, da ich komplett im Kraulstil durchgezogen hatte, was mir im Training bisher nie gelang.
Die erste Wechelzone war recht schnell passiert. Neo aus, Füße abtrocknen, Socken und Schuhe an, zubinden (da muss ich noch optimieren), Helm auf und ab mit dem Rad. Auf der Strecke erst mal die Handschuhe an, Brille vom Helm und aufsetzen und einen Riegel essen. Dann im 35er Schnitt an die Berge ranfahren.
In Dossenheim hab ich am ersten Berg schon voll attackiert, alles was ging. Mit meinem Gang hatte ich bei den 16% eh keine andere Strategiemöglichkeit ausser absteigen. Dann wieder ein wenig ausruhen und mit ruhigem Tritt in den Anstieg zum Weißen Stein fahren. Ich kam super hoch, überholte Dutzende von Fahrern und fuhr fast 90% des Berges sitzend und auf dem Trialenker hoch, den Rest im Wiegetritt. Oben dann bis zur Bundesstrasse wieder volle Pulle, auf er Abfahrt liess ich es dann rollen und ein paar Fahrer haben mich erwartungsgemäß wieder eingeholt.
Den 2. Anstieg empfand ich nicht als sonderlich schlimm. Ich überholte wieder einige, bevor es an die große letzte Abfahrt ging, bei der ich dieses Mal mit den meisten anderen mithalten konnte. Allerdings hat mich hier ein Pack von ca. 10 Fahrern überholt, die voll am Draften waren, sehr unschön. Bin aber am kurzen Anstieg in Großsachsen am ganzen Pack wieder vorbeigesprintet.
Aufgrund der guten Zeit hab ich bin zur nächsten Wechselzone richtig in die Pedale getreten (Radzeit 1:27:59), was wohl im Nachhinein ein Fehler war, denn ich kam nach dem Wechsel auf die Laufstrecke nicht richtig in Gang. Erst in der 2. Runde gings dann und ich fand meinen Rhytmus und ich konnte noch ein paar überholen. Laufzeit war am Ende dann 42 min, eher schwach für mich, aber die Laufstrecke war auch nicht sehr angenehm, weil sehr viele enge Kurven, die doch auch Kraft kosten.
Mit meiner Gesamtzeit war ich allerdings mehr als zufrieden. 65. Gesamtrang am Ende, das war mehr als von mir erwartet, so dass ich nach einer kleinen Stärkung im Festzelt zufrieden zurück nach Mannheim radelte. "
Friday, July 22, 2005
Ladenburg Triathlon
Yesterday our global planning and basis administration team jointly visited Mannheim's brewery "Eichbaum". Later we went to the Irish pub like every Thursday. As a last step we went to an Asian karaoke bar before getting some sleep.
Today is our company's summer party, which will be conducted in a location near Mannheim. This time I'll not stay until the end, because I'll compete in the Ladenburg triathlon on Saturday afternoon.
Time is ticking away. The 2 week countdown for the Ostseeman begins on Sunday. :)
Today is our company's summer party, which will be conducted in a location near Mannheim. This time I'll not stay until the end, because I'll compete in the Ladenburg triathlon on Saturday afternoon.
Time is ticking away. The 2 week countdown for the Ostseeman begins on Sunday. :)
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Tour de France
Last weekend I've made a bike trip to the Black Forest to visit the Tour de France on its stage through Germany. I went by train to Rastatt near Baden Baden, later by bike to the 4th climb of the stage. I was cheered up the mountain by the spectators that had already crowded here.
Quite a cool feeling and just half an hour later the riders arrived.

After they had passed I started my own tour and rode the stage in the reverse direction back to the start, passing the previous 3 mountains (third category climbs) and passing nice villages.

After leaving the Black Forest I followed the Rhine until Mannheim.
This weekend I'll relax in Mannheim, enjoying the sun. Coming Friday is our company's summer party which will last until Saturday morning, where I'll compete in the RoemerMan, an Olympic distance triathlon in Ladenburg.
I wish you a nice weekend, Jolle!
Quite a cool feeling and just half an hour later the riders arrived.

After they had passed I started my own tour and rode the stage in the reverse direction back to the start, passing the previous 3 mountains (third category climbs) and passing nice villages.

After leaving the Black Forest I followed the Rhine until Mannheim.
This weekend I'll relax in Mannheim, enjoying the sun. Coming Friday is our company's summer party which will last until Saturday morning, where I'll compete in the RoemerMan, an Olympic distance triathlon in Ladenburg.
I wish you a nice weekend, Jolle!
Monday, July 4, 2005
17 kph average
At the moment I am writing this I'm sitting in the train that takes me directly from Schwerin to Mannheim, an eight hour trip.
It was a nice weekend, which passed too fast again, even I had already taken a free day to lenghten it. But three days are still too short, there's soo much to do at home.
I left Mannheim directly after work on Friday evening and arrived Schwerin around midnight.
Saturday morning I went to famous the 5-lake-run in Schwerin, starting in front of the castle, that beholds our regional parliament and is restaurated with a 150 million Euro budget over the next decades. There are three distances, a 10, 15 and 30 km run. I had registered for the 15 km run (which is actually 15,8 km), that I had also ran last year.
I met some friends from the Berlin Marathon Forum (ForumTeam) as well as members of my local triathlon club. Then a friend showed me his secrets of warming up before a race. Shortly before the start we positioned us in the first row. Actually it was my first time starting directly in front of a race, but with my tenth overall place last year I think it was not too arrogant. ;)
We started fast in a group of around ten to fifteen runners in front, but had to let go seven of them quite soon. Globi and me and two other runners formed a second group and changed the lead several times. It became quite hot and I felt very good at km seven in the race, so I am not sure if I became fast or the others slower, but I overtook them and ran away. From that moment on I also had an official biker in front of me which cleared the way a bit, cause we were running into the 10 km runners that had started 10 minutes earlier.
Right before the finish line I overtook another runner which had been originally in the first group, so I ended the race on the 7th position of around 1150 participants in a phantastic time of 55:33 min, a bit over a 17 kph average. It has definitely been the fastest race in my short career as a runner. ;)
I also got some bottles of a local beer as the prize for the second place in my age group, which I had also last year. There are participating better runners every year, but if I again get seven minutes faster, I may be in the pace for the big trophy next year. ;)
What else did I do on the weekend? Steffi, a good friend and former fellow student from Ingolstadt visited me and we went through Schwerin with my sister, which is an official city guide. Moreover we went swimming in the lake, had a strawberry cake and cherries and went on a boat tour on the Schweriner Lake. Moreover I met my uncle and grandparents again. ;)

As you can see, there was quite some action, so it has been a good decision that I had taken free on today. Sleeping long, go on a small bike tour with my recumbent bike and watching the first hours of the Tour de France coverage was all I did today before I had to leave for the train around 5 pm.
In 5 weeks I'll go home again for the Ostseeman weekend. Oops, it's really getting time to intensify my training.
Have a nice week, Jolle!
PS: Boonen did it again and won also the second sprint final of the Tour de France. Good for me, as I have bet on him getting the the green jersey. :)
It was a nice weekend, which passed too fast again, even I had already taken a free day to lenghten it. But three days are still too short, there's soo much to do at home.
I left Mannheim directly after work on Friday evening and arrived Schwerin around midnight.
Saturday morning I went to famous the 5-lake-run in Schwerin, starting in front of the castle, that beholds our regional parliament and is restaurated with a 150 million Euro budget over the next decades. There are three distances, a 10, 15 and 30 km run. I had registered for the 15 km run (which is actually 15,8 km), that I had also ran last year.
I met some friends from the Berlin Marathon Forum (ForumTeam) as well as members of my local triathlon club. Then a friend showed me his secrets of warming up before a race. Shortly before the start we positioned us in the first row. Actually it was my first time starting directly in front of a race, but with my tenth overall place last year I think it was not too arrogant. ;)
We started fast in a group of around ten to fifteen runners in front, but had to let go seven of them quite soon. Globi and me and two other runners formed a second group and changed the lead several times. It became quite hot and I felt very good at km seven in the race, so I am not sure if I became fast or the others slower, but I overtook them and ran away. From that moment on I also had an official biker in front of me which cleared the way a bit, cause we were running into the 10 km runners that had started 10 minutes earlier.
Right before the finish line I overtook another runner which had been originally in the first group, so I ended the race on the 7th position of around 1150 participants in a phantastic time of 55:33 min, a bit over a 17 kph average. It has definitely been the fastest race in my short career as a runner. ;)
I also got some bottles of a local beer as the prize for the second place in my age group, which I had also last year. There are participating better runners every year, but if I again get seven minutes faster, I may be in the pace for the big trophy next year. ;)
What else did I do on the weekend? Steffi, a good friend and former fellow student from Ingolstadt visited me and we went through Schwerin with my sister, which is an official city guide. Moreover we went swimming in the lake, had a strawberry cake and cherries and went on a boat tour on the Schweriner Lake. Moreover I met my uncle and grandparents again. ;)

As you can see, there was quite some action, so it has been a good decision that I had taken free on today. Sleeping long, go on a small bike tour with my recumbent bike and watching the first hours of the Tour de France coverage was all I did today before I had to leave for the train around 5 pm.
In 5 weeks I'll go home again for the Ostseeman weekend. Oops, it's really getting time to intensify my training.
Have a nice week, Jolle!
PS: Boonen did it again and won also the second sprint final of the Tour de France. Good for me, as I have bet on him getting the the green jersey. :)
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